Sunday, March 13, 2011

HB 1202. Regressive Politics?

                   In a very eye-openning editorial, Ruben Navarrete Jr explains the new ideology behind illegal-immigrant integration.
                  As we know, the great state of Texas is heavily influenced by an overwhelming population of illegal-immigrants. As we know their labor is cheaper, and therefore contractors get more bang for their buck in the construction industry. However, as cheap labor benefits those above, its hurting the “American” standard of living.  Texas State Representative, Debbie Riddle is proposing HB 1202, a radical new bill that awards punishment to those who employ illegal-immigrants. Such punishment can be up to 2 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Ok, it seems like a good attempt to stop the intrusion of illegal-immigrants to come work in the U.S. Not! HB 1202 permits people to hire illegal-immigrants “for the purpose of obtaining labor or other work to be performed exclusively or primarily at a single-family residence. Wow, that would mean that as an American citizen I would have the right to hire an illegal-immigrant to help me with house chores, baby-sitting, etc. Then again, they can’t be hired by a contractor to make serious money? 
                  I concur with Mr. Navarrete when he says “the United States has two neon signs on the U.S.-Mexico border: "Keep Out" and "Help Wanted." Americans can't decide what they want to protect more -- the border or their standard of living. Usually, the latter wins out.” As Texans  we have to decide whether we must assimilate illegal-immigrants into our great state, legally, or simply “be tough” on immigration law as we are for terrorism. In my opinion, Mrs. Riddle is proposing a regressive bill that will only poison our society with more racial profiling and inhumane acts.

Editorial from
Ruben Navarrete Jr.

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