Friday, May 13, 2011

Is Trump serious?

In the mist of all current issues, Donald Trump decides to question President Obama’s birth authenticity. As Donald Trump starts his hype about his 2012 race for President, he uses Obama’s doubt of legitimacy as a trampoline to obtain some popularity. "I am so proud of myself because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," said Trump, in regards to getting Obama to show his birth certificate. Personally, I relate Donald Trump as that rich kid everyone knew in high school, the one who had everything, materially speaking. Unfortunately, did not have many true honest friends. I relate this to Trump because to me it seems as if Americans can read through him, we need someone with transparency as our President. I think that Trump is not making an honest attempt to gain the presidency on his merits. Seems to me as if he’s gaining popularity and momentum from other issues.

Commentary: Still, America?

Still, America? by Steven Satterlee

Hey Steven-

It seems we share the same concept of U.S. politics. As you mentioned, Trump is seeking to gain the presidency in 2012, that’s pretty bad. However, it’s not nearly as bad as the thought of Americans actually casting their vote for him. This country and our fascination with the public image is what Is dragging us down more and more. I will not discredit Trump is his successful monetary career, however, that does not mean he is capacitated to run a country with a real social and global crisis as we’re suffering currently. With more diverse issues erupting, we need a leader with a non-capitalist mindset, otherwise we might experience what we lived with Bush during his reign. In conclusion, I believe the American audience is not in tune with the “big picture,” or the realities that we’re facing. Also, in order for our nation to prosper once again, we as citizens must do our job and really make a conscience effort in electing a capacitated individual for president.

Emmanuel Gomez

Commentary: A Govt. based out of Hollywood

"A Government based out of Hollywood" by Steven Satterlee

Hey Steven-

I totally agree with you when you say that our government is based out of Hollywood, from the yellow journalism exposed on online news to the dramatic headlines in our local paper. The fact is most Americans, like me, are under the idea that our National government is turning a blind eye to our needs. With so much invested in over seas, U.S. officials seem to be monitoring their interests more than their responsibilities. As long as there’s a correlation between politics and capitalism, this nation will not be going in the direction many of us want it to go. Like you mentioned Steven, I’m sure our Founding Fathers did not envision this country as it is now.