Friday, May 13, 2011

Is Trump serious?

In the mist of all current issues, Donald Trump decides to question President Obama’s birth authenticity. As Donald Trump starts his hype about his 2012 race for President, he uses Obama’s doubt of legitimacy as a trampoline to obtain some popularity. "I am so proud of myself because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," said Trump, in regards to getting Obama to show his birth certificate. Personally, I relate Donald Trump as that rich kid everyone knew in high school, the one who had everything, materially speaking. Unfortunately, did not have many true honest friends. I relate this to Trump because to me it seems as if Americans can read through him, we need someone with transparency as our President. I think that Trump is not making an honest attempt to gain the presidency on his merits. Seems to me as if he’s gaining popularity and momentum from other issues.

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